Utahns’ Vision for the
Future of
& Cost of Living
Utahns envision good, safe communities with a variety of housing and transportation options that maintain a low cost of living. They envision communities where people with varying incomes and backgrounds and in different stages of life can find homes they can afford. They want the option to save money by driving shorter distances, walking, or biking to jobs, shopping, schools, public transportation, parks, and other services and amenities. Utahns envision keeping household costs for utilities and taxes low.
What Utahns Want: Goals
Maximize how many people can afford decent housing.
Improve the ability for those with lower incomes to live in desirable neighborhoods, improving opportunity for them and their children.
Reduce how much each household needs to spend on transportation.
Provide access to opportunities, such as quality education, in all neighborhoods.
Reduce the cost of living for all households—including the amount spent on housing, transportation, utilities, taxes, fees, etc.—so Utahns have money to spend on other things.
How We’ll Get There: Key Strategies
Provide a variety of neighborhoods Utahns can choose from, while allowing the housing market to supply a variety of housing options in all communities.
Develop an interconnected pattern of mixed-use neighborhood, village, town, and urban centers that bring destinations and opportunities closer to people.
Decrease household travel costs by making public transportation, walking, and biking more convenient.
View a complete list of strategies