Utahns’ Vision for the
Future of
Utahns envision having clean, affordable water to support thriving communities and businesses, robust local agriculture, a healthy environment, and recreation. Even as the population grows, they see having enough water to support not only themselves but future generations. They envision using less water in their homes, businesses, and yards, so there is sufficient water for other uses like food production and habitat, as well as for new homes and businesses.
What Utahns Want: Goals
Ensure future generations have sufficient water to sustain Utah’s population and a strong economy.
Use less water per person.
Provide enough water for agriculture to allow farms to thrive and increase food production.
Ensure water in streams and lakes is sufficient to sustain wildlife and recreation.
Maintain and improve water quality and groundwater storage in watersheds.
Balance the diverse needs for water.
How We’ll Get There: Key Strategies
Extend Utah’s 2025 goal of reducing per-capita water use by 25% (from 2000) to at least 35% by 2050.
Reduce outdoor watering by meeting market demand for more houses on smaller lots, townhomes, condominiums, apartments, etc.
Allow, encourage, and incentivize water-wise landscaping and irrigation practices.
Significantly reduce the amount of agricultural water being converted to urban uses.
Improve water quality and groundwater storage by improving Utah’s watersheds (e.g., by eradicating invasive species, replanting native grasses and trees, and improving grazing practices).
Adequately maintain, and replace where needed, existing water infrastructure.
Prepare for and develop new water supplies as needed.